What TCEQ Exec L’Oreal Stepney Would Ask Michael Honeycutt if She Cared Whether the Directors Her Agency Employed Were Unscrupulous Stooges

TALKING BACK to restraining orders

The author of this post, Todd Greene, was baselessly sued in 2013 (not for the first time) by a scientist in the employ of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) named Tiffany Bredfeldt, who called upon her boss, Michael Honeycutt, TCEQ director of toxicology and today head of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Boards, to witness on her behalf.

Both of them are Ph.D.’s, which is the sort of fact judges are more apt to find compelling than, say, the truth.

Bredfeldt, a married woman, had targeted Greene at his home in 2005, indulged an infatuation, and then hoaxed the police and the courts to whitewash her conduct by claiming she was afraid and had been sexually accosted or assaulted (the details of her narrative and their specificity varied broadly with each retelling).

Greene would be in and out of court with Bredfeldt, based largely on allegations…

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